There really isn't much in current affairs these days that I can find myself giving a view that someone else hasn't already said already, which pretty much puts me off writing about anything. Even as I read hard and long about many articles, it just seemed as it is, and nothing interesting comes to mind. However, I feel compelled to return to writing a piece a week, especially when I'm back in Singapore for summer.
I wasn't really able to comprehend the speed at which time started to pass at the moment I stepped out of primary school. It was excruciating how slowly time passed back then, and I remembered getting irritated by the pace at which life was going every day. It was as if god purposefully slowed down time when I had nothing to do, and sped it up when I was playing games with my friends, just to mess around with me.
As we move on from there, the perception of the amount of time in my day shortened. Speed of life in secondary school increased, and furthermore so in junior college. Now, there never seems to be a point in time in my life when I ever feel that time is ever passing slowly. I wonder if this is a physical phenomenon, but I do like to believe that it was just probably because I managed to find more and more things that I like to do as I grew up and promptly filled up my time with them.
Now in university, I lament that time is passing far too fast for my liking. The day tomorrow always seemed to be shorter than the one before. It was not a matter of how much time I have to relax or work, it is more of a complaint of a seemingly shorter perception of time as it is. Perhaps this might sound extreme, but it reminded me daily of my mortality, that life is really not as long as you made it to be back when you were 7. Hitting the big 20's did not help much as well.
I tried to slow down, take time to relax and do nothing at all, perhaps a bit of planning for the future. I was disappointed to see that time seemed to move as fast as before. Even when studying for hated topics in Mathematics, time seemed to move at a quickening pace. It was no longer an issue of whether I liked the activity anymore, time just simply seemed to move a lot faster.
I wonder why I'm constantly this bothered by this shortened perception of time. It was not as if I was actually robbed of any at all. Nor it is that I'm unhappy at having not enough time to complete all my activities. I just feel... shortchanged really. This was not what I expected when I was in primary school.
Then again, I guess in the end, life is not about counting the hours of the day, but making the hours of the day count.
As we move on from there, the perception of the amount of time in my day shortened. Speed of life in secondary school increased, and furthermore so in junior college. Now, there never seems to be a point in time in my life when I ever feel that time is ever passing slowly. I wonder if this is a physical phenomenon, but I do like to believe that it was just probably because I managed to find more and more things that I like to do as I grew up and promptly filled up my time with them.
Now in university, I lament that time is passing far too fast for my liking. The day tomorrow always seemed to be shorter than the one before. It was not a matter of how much time I have to relax or work, it is more of a complaint of a seemingly shorter perception of time as it is. Perhaps this might sound extreme, but it reminded me daily of my mortality, that life is really not as long as you made it to be back when you were 7. Hitting the big 20's did not help much as well.
I tried to slow down, take time to relax and do nothing at all, perhaps a bit of planning for the future. I was disappointed to see that time seemed to move as fast as before. Even when studying for hated topics in Mathematics, time seemed to move at a quickening pace. It was no longer an issue of whether I liked the activity anymore, time just simply seemed to move a lot faster.
I wonder why I'm constantly this bothered by this shortened perception of time. It was not as if I was actually robbed of any at all. Nor it is that I'm unhappy at having not enough time to complete all my activities. I just feel... shortchanged really. This was not what I expected when I was in primary school.
Then again, I guess in the end, life is not about counting the hours of the day, but making the hours of the day count.
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