Sunday, October 02, 2011
3:16 PM

Many things have been going through my mind lately, but yet, I realize that I'm absolutely unable to pen any of those thoughts or feelings into words. It almost seems paradoxical that I could still easily speak on issues of current affairs with friends, but be unable to talk about my thoughts or feelings about everyday experiences when reflecting with myself.
Sometimes I sit down and stumble though the mess, and come to a vague sense of enlightenment, but it makes me wonder if I'm even getting any thought done, when I can't really put them into words when I wanted to.
It can hardly be a fault with the language, can it? Is it just an inability on my part of expressing myself? I wonder,
This post in itself was quite difficult to write already.
What thoughts? Wasn't this the day you left? Gosh it feels longer than a week and a half!