Never really have seen what the big deal was regarding this. In these abundant times, when we can afford it, why not just pay them well?
Some people argue that the high pay may just attract people to try and be a politician just for it. Thus, we end up having incompetent people at the helm.
To that I say, really? People will take up possibly the most scrutinized job by the general public when they could be earning perhaps slightly less somewhere else? And do you honestly think that political parties would pick people like that to join their party anyways? If its an independent running just for the dough, then why not just not vote for him?
Did you even realize that the whole point of the high pay was to get competent people in the first place?
I would agree though, that the high pay would likely lead to situations where unsuitable people end up with the job. But incompetent? No.
However, I'm still not fuss by how much we're paying our ministers. I believe that the team we have now is more than suitable, and that money is quite honestly secondary.
The respective ministers/ministry performances during the recent problems are of much more interest to me. I honestly don't care how much I pay them so long as they get their job done well.
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